Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sound Off!

Maybe your right, Cooperations do not care about individuals or me for that matter. We give and give to their bottom line and in return if profits are not where they believe they should be they take there ball and leave. So, why do always fall into that trap? For me, at least, it is a memory of sometime I once had. It could be that first taste of Star Bucks or that first game I attend with my father. What ever the reason I will always come back for more and yes, dejection will follow once the ride is over. Until then I will cheer and drink my favorites...


troy myers said...

its noy ryan, its ryne. and you keep on cheering at $100 dollars a ticket and $5 per cup...i will sit on the sidedlines and keep making fun of you...sheep baaa!

Shane M. White said...

Well, we HAVE TO pay $7 a beer, because otherwise your property taxes would be higher and you'd bitch the hell outta that! So, let us pay more for beer and support the team we love - just so you can keep your precious property taxes as low as the state will allow you...

troy myers said...

that's nice and all...but who's gonna pay the utility bills?

bend over a little more for the big blue horseshoe dildo boys.

civic pride up the old wazoo.

Zach Proctor said...

Ok, I just heard that the city planners made a 15 million dollar oversight in the operating cost. What the hell are we going to do about that. It is a good thing we leased that toll road and have millions in surplus, thats Mitch.