Monday, June 1, 2009

Troys List

what is the first film you ever saw?

Return of the Jedi, is the first film I remember watching.

what is your favorite film of all time?

I have a problem with this question being loaded! I have films that I can watch everyday like Star Wars 4-6 or films I have great memories of like Eliminators. So, what does is mean? Or maybe The Last of the Mohicans.

what is your favorite line in a film?

Hey bartender, Jobu needs a refill! (major league)

what film made you realize that film was an art?

Consternate, because that was the first film I began to see what it was to make something come together. More then just images on a screen, but blood, sweat, and hard work really makes you believe there is something more to a picture.

what movie do you consider your guilty pleasure?

13th warrior. That movie should have been better with director John McTiernan, Written by Michael Crichton, Antonio Banderas and Vladimir Kulich as bad asses.

who is your favorite movie character of all time?

Duke from GI Joe. Thats who I wanted to be when I was a kid and how America's should be anyway.

what is your favorite movie snack food?


who is your favorite director of all time?

Stanley Kubrick

who is the most impressive filmmaker working today?

Aleksandr Sokurov with Mother and Russian ark is their any debate on a 1 take full length film with score in the movie preformed live.

what quality do the best directors share?

"an understanding that a story is also told visually and that it must match the feeling created by sound(music, dialogue), that style is substance." (Troy Myers)

I have nothing to add...

who is your favorite actor/actress of all time?

James Stewart are you kidding. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Who knew government could look so good.

who is your favorite actor/actress working today?

Gary Oldman because he makes everything better.

who would you cast in a film about your life?

Sean Astin. "Goonies"

finish these sentences:

if you could remake one movie...That would be like painting over the Sistine chapel with flat black paint.

i never wanna watch a movie with...general public ever again. They suck and talk too much!

the perfect movie is...nothing, and impossible.